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Ab initio Calculations Using Wien2k Code

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Showing posts with the label Interfaces for Wien2kShow All
Presentation of ElATools A tool for analyzing anisotropic elastic properties of the 2D and 3D materials
Boltzman Transport Properties with Boltztrap
An overview of the DMFT method as implemented within eDMFT code interfaced with wien2k code
The Woptic Package
The Wien2Wannier Package (Interface between wien2k and Wannier90)
LDA + Gutzwiller-Slave-Boson within Wien2k code
XCrySDen as a graphical tool for WIEN
BoltzTraP. A code for calculating band-structure dependent quantities.
Runwien: a text-based interface for the WIEN package ✩
Orbital construction and conversion for DMFT method