Dear Wien2k users, If simulation of a material is to run with GGA+U to get an approximate band gap, then *whether GGA+U or GGA* has to run as a first step for running mbj?
As user guide says that we have to run a normal SCF prior to mbj, my confusion is whether the normal SCF is to run with GGA or GGA+U if U is mandatory for the material. Looking forward to your response in this regard. with regards, -- Dr. Shamik Chakrabarti Research Fellow Department of Physics Indian Institute of Technology Patna Bihta-801103 Patna Bihar, India
It is recommended (but not mandatory) to do first a GGA calculation before using GGA+U or mBJ. By doing so, the starting electron density for the GGA+U/mBJ SCF iterations may be better than the one from init_lapw (lstart/dstart) in order to reduce the number of iterations and/or to reach the proper ground state. It may also be a good idea (but again not mandatory) to start a mBJ calculation using the GGA+U electron density. FT
It really depends on the specific example if you need to be carefully with the starting point, since both, LDA+U and mBJ can give multiple solutions in certain cases. Eg: MnO or NiO do not require any special care. The dominant cubic crystal field is sufficient to drive the correct solution and both, GGA+U and mBJ will give only one solution, independent on the starting conditions. Very different is eg. FeO: Both, GGA+U and in particular mBJ will NOT give a band gap when started with plain GGA (and probably also not when starting from scratch using atomic densities ??) An analysis of the partial Fe-DOS is necessary, followed with a reoccupation of the density matrix by hand to occupy the proper single orbital. Using this starting dmat-files, GGA+U gives an insulator (and this solution should have lower energy - depending on U). Continuation with mBJ from such a solution, also gives a nice band gap.Analyse your partial TM-d state DOS !