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Ab initio Calculations Using Wien2k Code

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Calculation of the elastic properties using the original version of Thomas Charpin (only for cubic structures)

(In September 2001 we received the sad notice that Thomas Charpin died in a car accident).

- We will use the example of MgO

- Change to the MgO directory

  * we need 2 files: MgO.struct and MgO.inst

  * You will find these 2 files in the repertory $WIENROOT/SRC_elast/example-MgO

- Execute the command init_elast

username@machinename:~/MgO$ init_elast
You will do three calculations of initialization for three types of distortions: eos,rhomb and tetra.
- Change to the repertory elast
 username@machinename:~/MgO$ cd elast
- Execute the command elast_setup
username@machinename:~/MgO/elast$ elast_setup
- Edit the scripts eos.job, tetra.job and rhomb.job according to your needs
- Execute the scripts one after one
  username@machinename:~/MgO/elast$ ./eos.job
username@machinename:~/MgO/elast$ ./tetra.job
username@machinename:~/MgO/elast$ ./rhomb.job  
- Change to repertory result 
username@machinename:~/MgO/elast$ cd result
- Execute the command ana_elast 
  username@machinename:~/MgO/elast/result$ ana_elast
- you will find the results in the file elast.output in the repertory result/outputs
- The results are :

Elastic parameters for cubic F phase


At volume: 121.80976 bohr^3 per formula

At calculated pressure: 0.000001 u.a. or 0.018927 GPa 

in atomic units: c11= 0.022371 c12= 0.006330 c44= 0.010257 

in GPa: c11= 329.088374 c12= 93.114314 c44= 150.881878

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  1. How to edit .job .tetra scripts for cubical structure, which contain one atom is magnetic and other is non magnetic?
