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Ab initio Calculations Using Wien2k Code

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How to install the version 2014 of Wien2k code

FirstInstall parallel_studio 
(that includes ifort and icc compilers and mpi library) as follows:

- Create a new folder (for example: soft or abinitio)
- tar xvf "compiler file"
- ./install.sh
- 1
- Pass word
- 1
- Accept
- 3
- 2
- Path of licence

NB: Here you can download the license Ifort license

NB: If the compiler is well installed , you will find it in the folder /opt

You can download the parallel studio package from one of the following links:

l_ics_2013.1.046.tgz      ------> This copy is that used in the video

Second link  -------->   Parallel studio
At the end you need to add the following lines to the ~/.bashrc file.
source /opt/intel/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
source /opt/intel/bin/iccvars.sh intel64
source /opt/intel/bin/ifortvars.sh intel64
source /opt/intel/mkl/bin/mklvars.sh intel64
source /opt/intel/impi/
execute the following command
source ~/.bashrc

Second: Install the library fftw3

- tar -xvf fftw3  ----> fftw3 is the name of the file
- Exexute these commands on the terminal

> export CC="icc -m64 "
> export MPICC="mpiicc -m64 "
> export F77="ifort -mcmodel=large "
> ./configure --enable-mpi --prefix=/opt/fftw3
> make
> sudo make install

NB: If it's well installed you will find it in the folder /opt

NB: If you find a problem you can use this prepared copy and put it in the folder /opt 

ready copy of fftw3

ThirdInstall the code Wien2k

NB: You use only the file of volume of 32 MB and don't use the exectuables file because maybe these programs are compiled with another compiler .

* Download the version14-2 from the official site of wien2k if you have purchased the license

 * install the code as follows:

- tar -xvf wien2k14-2 (It's preferable to put the file in the same folder as ifort and fftw : for example soft )
- gunzip *.gz
- chmod +x expand_lapw
- ./expand_lapw
- ./siteconfig_lapw (the compilation needs almost one hour )
- ./userconfig_lapw

NB: If you have a compiled copy you can do only the following commands:
./siteconfig_lapw (R: For recompile and Q for quit)

Fourth: Install XcrysDen 
( you have always to install it before installing w2web interface).

If the w2web interface is installed remove it by the following command:

rm -rf ~/.w2web

Download the software from the link below:


you can follow the steps in the site below:

How to install Xcrysden

Fiveth:  Install graphical interface w2web ( pronouced "wien to web" )

Before installing run this command:
source ~/.bashrc

Install w2web interface by using this command : ./w2web

Use this easiest configuration:

user:     admin
password: admin
number: 10000

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  1. respected sir please help with this problem. when I reach the x dstart in the initialization step of w2web I get this msg.
    command not found .....
    /dstart dstart.def failed
    please help me sorting out this.

    1. come to our facebook group and post your question


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. respected sir help me to install wien2k with latest compiler oneapi toolkit.

  4. Hi dear, I hope you are doing well. I’m currently struggling to define the anisotropy and exchange matrix for a material I’m studying, and I was wondering if you could offer any guidance on how to obtain them, considering I’m using Wien2k for the DFT calculations.
    Thank you in advance!
