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Ab initio Calculations Using Wien2k Code

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[Wien] mBJ+SOC


Ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity in Cs2BiAgX6 (X=Cl, Br): Potential  thermoelectric materials

Tue, 14 Sep 2021 11:15:56 -0700

Dear Wien2k users,
For mBJ+SOC calculation, should I start with a SOC calculation (with PBE)
and then I continue with mBJ (init_mbj and scf with -so) or else I have to
start with an scf with mBJ (without SOC) then I continue with SOC (init_so)?
Thank you


Tue, 14 Sep 2021 11:39:19 -0700

Both ways should in principle lead to exactly the same results, except maybe 
for systems like FeO with multiple low energy local minima.
May?be the first way would in total require less iterations, since only one mBJ 
calculation is needed (mBJ converges faster than PBE).


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