NB: This modified copy by the author needs 3 processors at least while the original copy needs 15 processors ( )
The package has a difficult algorithm and you can't know at which time the calculation will end.
Before beginning, try to read the "ReadMe " file
The package is developed by Tomas Kana ( )
- tar xvf OrthoOpt.tar.gz
- Change to the repertory Orthoopt
- Run the following commands:
chmod +x cellShapeOrtho
chmod +x compute.job
chmod+x volumeOrtho
How to use the package
- Copy the 3 scripts in your working repertory
- Initialization
- Run the command: source volumeOrtho
You can check the calculations regularly when you enter the palmexYourCaseA0.00/yourCase directory and plot the file ENE taking the product of first three columns against the fourth column (energy).
You can do it using gnuplot
set pointsize 2
plot "ENE" using ($1*$2*$3):4 w p pt 7
Good Luck