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Ab initio Calculations Using Wien2k Code

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Magnetic and DFT+U calculations of SrVO3


Peter Blaha

Institute of Materials Chemistry
TU Wien


PBE+U calculations (non-magnetic):


 mkdir pbe+u; cd pbe+u; cp ../pbe/pbe.struct pbe+u.struct

 instgen_lapw -nm

 init_lapw -b -sp

 cp $WIENROOT/SRC_templates/template.indm pbe+u.indm

 cp $WIENROOT/SRC_templates/template.inorb pbe+u.inorb

 $EDITOR pbe+u.indm

 select only the second atom (V), l=2

 $EDITOR pbe+u.inorb

 select only the second atom (V), l=2

 U = 5eV = 0.368 Ry

 runsp_c_lapw -orb

 plot DOS, optic, bands

 all commands get -up

 x lapw1 -band -orb -up/-dn


PBE+U calculations (ferromagnetic):

  mkdir pbe+u; cd pbe+u-fm; cp ../pbe/pbe.struct pbe+u-fm.struct

 instgen_lapw

 init_lapw -b -sp

 cp $WIENROOT/SRC_templates/template.indm pbe+u.indm

 cp $WIENROOT/SRC_templates/template.inorb pbe+u.inorb

 $EDITOR pbe+u-fm.indm

 select only the second atom (V), l=2

 $EDITOR pbe+u-fm.inorb

 select only the second atom (V), l=2

 U = 5eV = 0.368 Ry

 runsp_lapw -orb

 plot DOS, optic, bands

 all commands get -up/-dn and must be executed twice

 x lapw1 -band -orb -up/-dn


PBE+U calculations (antiferromagnetic):


  mkdir pbe+u-afm; cd pbe+u-afm; cp ../pbe/pbe.struct pbe+u-afm.struct

 x supercell # 2x2x2, no shift/vacuum; F lattice

 cp pbe+u-afm_super.struct pbe+u-afm.struct

$EDITOR pbe+u-afm.struct # name the two V-atoms as "V 1" and “V2”

 instgen_lapw -ask # select nm for Sr,O, up/dn for V1/V2

 init_lapw -b -sp

 cp $WIENROOT/SRC_templates/template.indm pbe+u-afm.indm

 cp $WIENROOT/SRC_templates/template.inorb pbe+u-afm.inorb

 $EDITOR pbe+u-afm.indm

 select only the second atom (V), l=2

 $EDITOR pbe+u-afm.inorb

 select only the second atom (V), l=2

 U = 5eV = 0.368 Ry

 runsp_lapw -orb

 plot DOS, optic, bands

 only spin-up necessary, since V1(up)=V2(dn) and vice versa


Reference: https://www.icts.res.in/media/uploads/MediaLibrary/blaha-2014_correlated_school-bangalore-exercises.pdf



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