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Ab initio Calculations Using Wien2k Code

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Magnetic calculation of Chromide Cr

1- Non magnetic calculation has given the following results:

ENE = - 2101.769336 Ry

2- Ferromagnetic calculat:ion has given the following results:

MMTINT = - 0.00034 MMI001 = 0.00004 MMTOT = - 0.00029
ENE = - 2101.76938 Ry

3- Antiferromagnetic calculation has given the following results:

MMINT = - 0.00001 MMI001 = 1.6350 MMI002 = - 1.1634
MMTOT= 0.00007 ENE = - 4203.5400 Ry

We conclude that the chromide is an antiferromagnetic material

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