Dear WIEN2k, I am working on magnetic compound. For my system i got total magnetic moment 1.95 bohr magneton. Now i want to do fixed spin moment calculations.
My quires are 1). To do fixed spin moment calculations, first i have to initiate the calculations in spin polarized case after that i have to give the run command like "runfsm_lapw -m 1.95 -ec 0.000001". Is it correct way or give any suggestions? 2). To check weather this magnetic moment is correct or not i have to take different magnetic moment values like 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0. For all the values i have to run scf and check the total energy for each fsm value. After this i have to plot total energy verses magnetic moment values. In this plot where i get the minimum energy for a particular fsm value, that magnetic moment value i should have to consider. Is this correct procedure? Please suggest me further. Thank you very much in advance.
Yes, this is the correct procedure.
Step 2) is the correct thing, but at least you should also add a total energy for M=0. And if the normal runsp calculation gives you the lowest total energy compared to all your fsm calculations, this is the proper solution.However: do you know WHY you want to make a fsm calculation ?The FSM method is used in 2 cases:a) The total energy of more than ONE magnetic/non-magnetic calculations is almost identical. You may see this in a normal scf calculation that it converges very slowly (or not at all) or the calculations of runsp_c and runsp (zero and finite moments) give almost the same energy. b) You obtained some solution with runsp, but you want to search for another (eg. a high-spin or low-spin) solution. In this case you have to estimate what would be the total moment of such an solution and search the corresponding M-range.