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Ab initio Calculations Using Wien2k Code

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[Wien] Regarding mBJ- GGA calculation

Dear WIEN2k users
I am using WIEN2k 13.1 version. I have some doubts regarding mBJ- GGA
(i)  If we include SOC for a well converged cubic system, mBJ-GGA fails
towards convergence. A crash is seen in the second iteration in the LAPW0
part. However, for simple GGA it worked fine with the prescription "runsp
-s lapw1" .I am aware of the problem being posted on the mailing list, but
couldnt find it of much help.
(ii) what would be the difference in the following 2 calculations
    (a) first GGA is done, then mBJ followed by SOC
    (b) first GGA done, then SOC and then followed by mBJ
do we expect similar results in total energy, magnetic moments, band
structure etc etc in these two calculations?
Thanking you
mBJ is a potential and not a functional, so it is very clumsy; Ef has to be in the gap, and you cannot make any changes;If you run without mBJ runsp -so -orb then in the mBJ run you have to run the same runsp -so -orb and for example you cannot change the Hubbard U value When I say clumsy I mean that as far as you obey these conditions it gives good results

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